Monday 21 September 2015

Avoid Hackers From Not Being Hacked Your Mobile Data

Today, only safeguarding our computers is not secure as we think, but also we need to secure our mobile device which we carry with us. Mobile data is hacked with advanced techniques to by hackers with different methods. Beside this, the talent gained by hackers in decoding the secure codes of mobile phones is increasing day by day.

Mobile Networks Become Unsecure:
Hackers set fake network path to gain secure info from mobile device. There are many tricky techniques used by hackers in stealing data from the mobile device like HAM radio equipment and an IMSI Catcher, which hackers use to connect mobile device to their fake cellular network. The user specifically doesn’t not aware which Wi-Fi network his device is connected with. The user’s device will automatically connect to the stronger Wi-Fi network which is available. Then, the hacker can connect to the mobile carrier network to easily hack data.

Messages Hacks:
Through short message services (SMS), the attackers can use phishing attacks to gain profit or hack users’ data. According to an independent research study, the most of the attackers send crafted messages to users which automatically generate the reply message to premium SMS service for profit. Finding crafted messages is more difficult sometimes. The message sent by attackers includes suspicious links through which users will get directed and get engaged with the website, which allows hackers to hack important information.

Don’t follow random text messages, which interest you. If the message is sent by authorized organization, then it is best to contact them to confirm the message.

Malware as Mobile App:
Some hackers hack mobile data by trying to install malware showing as a legitimate app. The malevolent code is executed along with authentic code.

Hackers use this technique to carry out important data or for spam attack. The attackers are also able to find other mobile devices on the same WIFI network. If a network connects to an affected device, then the affected device is possible to find other device on the network and make use of that data or spoil the data.

As you think, crypto-mining is not major problem faced by user from attackers. Though, it is still used by hackers. To be safe from hacker’s attacks, it is best downloading an application or software from the app store or authorized website. Generally, attackers use harmful software from third party sources to steal the data. So, avoid links and e-mails which helps your device from not being hacked by hackers.

Common Changes in Mobile Devices:
As technology evolves, hackers find new ways to exploit it and devise new attacks to carry out data. Hackers improve their hacking techniques with different formats as technology got advanced. They are using new techniques to break the secure codes of mobile device and also found how to execute the plans. By using advanced mobile application tools, most of the modern attacks can be made less severe.

Mobility Provides Security from Hackers:
Due to the increase of spam and unsecure messages from unknown users, people generally prefer secure mobile applications not being hacked by attackers. The spam messaging process is prolonging in repeated manner without any limit, and without any safe measures. To avoid such attacks, built secure mobile application development which can protect your data.

We, FuGenX Technology, develop mobile applications which are widely usable for different business purposes. With the use of standard mobile application, you can improve the work efficiency, safety and security. Being among the best mobile apps development companies in illinois USA, We have built hundreds of secure apps on different mobile platforms. We provide Android app development, iPhone and iPad app development services at affordable price. We help you in transforming your app idea into reality.

World’s Largest Mobile Platform- Android

Android is the world’s largest and popular OS used in the mobile device. It was founded in the year 2003 by Andy Rubin and team. The main aim of the Rubin team was to develop an operating system for digital cameras. Then they realized that digital camera doesn’t have a big market, so they diverted their efforts towards manufacturing a smartphone operating system. 

In July 2005, Google occupied Android, and the key people of Android, including Rubin, stayed at the company. But, many assumed that Google is entering into mobile manufacturing, but Google only created platform for mobile companies. The team leader Rubin developed a mobile device platform with the Linux Kernel. Google continued introducing new versions in the Android operating system with user-friendly features.

Growth of Android Applications:
The functionality of applications was extended by using the Android Software Development Kit(SDK) and the Java programming language was used for complete access to Android APIs. In addition, with a combination of C and C++ programming languages, the Android OS came into existence. Later, many development tools and techniques were used to improvise the quality of the Android OS. Today, there is a drastic increase in third party applications. So, the demand for Android OS applications has reached its peak.

Mobile Security with Android Applications:
The Android application runs in a sandbox, which does not have a connection with other resources of the system. The Sandbox can have access to the rest of the application after the installation of the application. User can easily manage the access permission through play store. For secure application processing, Google introduced a Google Bouncer malware scanner to look on and scan the Google play store apps.

Now, the Best Mobile Application:
More companies throughout the world are active and faster in developing Android applications. The smartphone mania got acceleration with Android. The Android OS enables the mobile applications to run smoothly with constant processing devices without any errors and hangouts. Though Windows apps development company in illinois are also increasingly popular, Android apps are famous for their user-friendliness. In this situation, Windows and Blackberry are also gradually gaining momentum in the app market. So, the number of Android users has increased very faster, which paved a path for new technology.

In fact, there is a huge competition among mobile application development companies for building secure and classy applications. As the competition gets tightened, users are willing to have varied benefits from apps, which can make their work easier. The best processing levels, which were managed with secure advanced technology, are carried out through Android applications.

Engaged More with Mobile Application:

Today, various Android application development companies are capable enough with talented app developers to fulfill market demands. There are many specialized app development companies who are aware of the new technologies involved in developing advanced applications.

Mobile users are more enthusiastic in using new mobile applications which serve their purpose in solving their problems. The developers strengthen their ideas and propagate in developing apps at reasonable cost. The designer’s efforts are mainly focused to develop an app according to user requirement. Moving with professional tasks, designers are able to develop mobile apps, games and multiple shopping apps, which make the world smaller and life easier. With mobile applications, many users are engaged with friends and relatives for a longer period of time.

The demand for Android phones has raised since the number of Android users is increasing day by day all around the world. More and more users are much preferred to have customized apps. This helps to decrease work load and make life easier. Through secure and easy processing, the mobile app development companies are able to create certified apps which can match with user’s ideas. All mobile app users are witness for changing trends in the development of mobile application. Due to advanced technologies used in the app, users no need to worry about making payments through the app.

We mobile apps development company in illinois, develop mobile applications which are helpful to enhance your business performance. With our experienced app development team, we make users engaged in using apps for a long time. The apps, in which we marked as the best developers include Windows application development, Android application development and iOS application development. To know more info on our apps development, reach us at

What are the steps required in building the Restaurant Application ?

Foodies are more often interested in ordering food by using mobile phone apps by instant decision. They are much preferred in making decision on food orders at last-minute. With mobile applications, a large number of users can easily gather information on food, cafe and pubs. Around 20 million users use mobile apps in a month to order food items in 22 countries, who are all time order makers.

These clearly explain a usage of mobile app in quick and easy decision making. Mobile has become a part of life of all users to get products or benefits from the service.

Based on location, foodies can book and find dining places through restaurant apps in Android, iPhone and other devices, and apps are also available in the app store. In the app market, you can have useful apps which can benefit you with food review, provide special offers on dishes and free delivery services.

Many and best features are offered by common restaurants search apps and what distinguishes your app from other such applications. What are the important things to be followed in creating a restaurant application that is easily managed, attracted and user-friendly?

Android app development company in Chicago which is enriched with best appearance that can match with customer expectations and helps in profiting a restaurant.

Surprise your customers with reward programs:
In the recognition of service offered, gifts should be presented to customers, through which you can easily improve the customer’s experience. Taking into consideration, the seller should have plans to reward gifts for trusted customers. With reward programs, customer can get satisfied with understanding the offers provided.

Customers are more encouraged and attracted with different reward programs which keep them engaged and freely searchable. Upcoming technologies are helpful in featuring the reward programs with detailed info.

There is no need to study the users’ actions with upcoming technologies. Meanwhile, you can have mobile applications on Windows, iOS and Android platforms. Apps on these platforms can be distinguishing factors in your business process with their responsive and attractive features.

Satisfactory Deals:
If prices are suddenly hiked, customers can be unsatisfied and lose their interest. If there is a positive improvement in changes made to achieve the customer satisfaction, it helps in increasing item sales. Through the means of mobile application, customers can know and save the deals in advance. If the customer gets satisfied, the business acquires more profit.
Advance Cab Booking:

If you are new to the city and need a cab to reach dining place, you may face problems in getting a vehicle. Many people prefer to hire a cab to the restaurant which enables them booking table easily. With fast response, customers feel happy. By using a secure android application, you can book a cab online and reach a destination place as preferred. Using applications, you can have comparatively low charges.

Notifications about New Offers:
Introduce special offers through which customers can get satisfied. Notify your customers to get known special discounts and get more interest to take an offer. Customers are eagerly awaited in having discounts in right time, if they are provided with a coupon. Customers can ready to grab them.

Location Guider:
Using advanced technology, customers get detailed info to reach the destination place. Through location displayer which is powered by GPS can show the safe route towards the restaurant. There is special guidance tracker in assisting the customers like live chats, before the customer get into the cab.

Make Payment Easier:
Today, more people prefer to pay through electronic payment method, so you should also have an alternative payment system along with conventional paying methods. Using the e-wallet method, customers can pre-store amount in advance and hold a balance in their account. Instead of making customers to provide all information every time, develop an iPhone application development which also makes their ordering process easier.

With all above features, you can develop completely customer friendly restaurant mobile applications to service your customers better and profiting well.

We mobile application development Company in chicago build user–centric which can combine your ideas and strategies, and increase the growth rate. Our mobile application developers are passionate, creative and motivated in delivering the required mobile application that helps to grow and scale your business.